Welcome BBQ
Many thanks to all our families who joined us for our Welcome BBQ last Friday. A big thank you to Jenny Ermogenis and the Grade 5 parent team for coordinating the event, and to the many other mums and dads who helped at stalls, on the BBQ, and with set up and pack up. Without you, these events could not run.

Thomas, POP “I liked having pizza and doing running races with my friends, and drinking apple juice”
Charlie, POP “My mum and dad came, and my sister. I had fun”
Sophie, 1/2C “I liked seeing all my friends and teachers, and getting to play in the playground”
Asher, 1/2C “I got to play hopscotch and drew a flower with some chalk”
District Swimming
Congratulations to our District Swimming Team - Aggregate and overall champions. This is the sixth time our school has won the Aggregate, and a testament to the talent of our students. Thanks to Ms Braun and Jeff Ward for supporting the children yesterday, and to Mr Ancrum who has taken on the role of District Coordinator this year for the Seaside District. Please make sure you take a look at our winning trophies, displayed in the cabinet in the Administration Office

Swimming quotes
Harvey, 4D “It was tiring, exciting and fun. It was so exciting finding out who won overall, we won by half a point!”
Cassie, 4D “It was fun cheering on our friends who had never been to Districts before”
Chloe, 5T “It was a very supportive atmosphere, everyone was cheering on everybody”
Ollie, 5T “The swimming was hard but our school came out on top. I feel very excited and proud because we are the smallest school as we still won overall”
David Anderson
Next Thursday 12th March, David will be running his follow up Parent Session - focussed on our use of language as parents and how to listen, inquire and provide meaningful feedback that supports our children to self-regulate and be resilient. Please come along to the CLC at 6.00pm.
An interview with Mrs May
Welcome back to Bev, who has just spent a week in Japan on a Principal’s tour, visiting and seeing the Japanese education system at first hand, and the fusion of heritage and modern that is a part of Japanese culture. Stay tuned for a full interview with our Media Captains, coming soon.
Hygiene Practices
Thorough hand washing and hygiene practice reminders occur daily within our classrooms. Everyone can protect against infections by practising good hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene. Here are some tips that everyone can follow:
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue, or cough into your elbow.
Dispose of the tissue into a bin and then wash your hands afterwards.
Wash your hands regularly, after using the toilet, and before eating.
We continue to ensure that there is soap available in all the toilets. Toilets are cleaned and soap supplies replenished everyday as part of our cleaners' duties. We thank our cleaners, Natalie and Colin, for their vigilance.
Parent Expo
Our first ever Parent Expo was a great success - thank you to all students and parents who participated. And many thanks to our teachers for facilitating many engaging sessions, ranging from curriculum to social and emotional learning. For those who missed it, we will be making some of the resources available via Google Docs in the coming weeks. Keep an eye out in our future newsletter for a link.