Learning this week - Classroom learning has continued as per normal this week, with an increased focus on hygiene practices. Here are our students’ reflections, a timely reminder of the adult lens we might place on situations compared to our children.
Preps conducted an experiment about germs …
Harriet, PW “We had to wash our hands to test what germs did to bread”
Will, PW “After four days the mouldiest bread was the one where no one had washed their hands!”
Amelia, PW “That’s why you have to make sure you wash your hands with soap, and sing Happy Birthday, or ABCD… or Count to 20 at the same time
Grade 2s were asked about how learning has been the same or different this week …
Arji, 1/2C “Our learning has been normal this week. Maths is really good because we are using base 10 into the thousands. That was fun”
Lola, 1/2C “Some people haven’t been here, but we’ve still been learning. Maths was my highlight too because we got to use bigger numbers”
David Anderson - Thank you to those who attended David’s session last week. His key points were:
Model what you want your child to be
Be conscious of the sea of ‘Blah’ (John Edwards)
Be prepared to walk away – trust that your child will do what you have asked, and acknowledge this to them
Expect the unexpected – consider the use of open-ended or the use of different question stems, e.g. when asking about your child’s day try “What was the most unexpected thing that took place today? What surprised you? What were you curious about? What was funny?” to break the mould from the usual “What did you do today … nothing” conversation.
David will continue to work with us throughout the year so keep an eye out for information on future sessions.
Curriculum Day term 2 - The planned curriculum day for term 2 Friday 24th April has now been postponed. We will notify you of a new date as soon as possible. Normal class programs will take place so please send your children to school, circumstances permitting.
Prep Enrolment 2021 - Wednesday school tours have begun for families considering enrolment at BBPS for 2021. If your child is commencing Prep at BBPS next year please fill out an enrolment form which can be accessed via our website https://www.brightonbeachps.vic.edu.au/enrolment and return it to the office either in person or via email to brighton.beach.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Please find the following School Policies attached, included for your information:
Child Safety: Responding and Reporting Obligations (including Mandatory Reporting Policy and Procedures) BBPS Duty of Care Policy
Harmony Day - Harmony Day was a fantastic celebration of each other in a time when thinking positively and practising Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness is crucial. Many thanks to Jodie Gates and the SRC for organising this event.
Liam and Leila, 4B “Harmony Day is a good idea, It’s about harmony and peace”
Camille, 4B “We are wearing a touch of orange to celebrate our different cultures. Today we talked about our families’ cultures”
Brody, 4B “Harmony Day is a cultural day, about different people and their cultures. My dad’s from Poland!”
Our teaching staff also fully embrace the opportunity to shine.
ANZAC Appeal - Buy a badge, wear it with pride. Your donation allows the RSL to tailor specialist services to the needs of our current and former service men and women, and their families. Every current and former service person of this great nation deserves our support. Most of the funds are raised through the sale of ANZAC badges, available in different denominations from the school office. The usual parade and services will naturally be vastly different in the current circumstances.