It has been another big week at BBPS and we continue to be blown away by the learning being shared across our school through our platforms Google Drive, Google Classrooms and our Specialist Website.
It is an absolute delight to see students filming themselves in order to showcase their creative talents. Many thanks to Sally Wickes and Esther Yamada for coordinating the pre-recorded video for this week’s virtual assembly. Congratulations to all the students who featured including Will on the piano and Sebastian, Pieter, Matthias, Ciara, Kylie, Serena, Aaron, Cooper, Alfie, Matthew, Lily, Archie, Kemin, Leni, Steffi, Gab, Eve, Daisy, Chloe, Georgina, Will, Axl, Felix, Ayane, Nico, Jhana, Lola, Mary, James, Ruby, Jaime, Ollie, Alice, Phoebe, Lauren, Harper, Veronica, Abby, Hugh and Tom.
Based on Tuesday’s announcement form the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the premier Dan Andrews and the Minister for Education, James Merlino, we are currently confirming details of our BBPS Return to School Guidelines. We will share these with you next week following further input from the Department. These guidelines will address key procedures in regards to:
School arrival and dismissal procedures – drop offs and pick ups to cater for social distancing
Hygiene practices
Staggered recess and lunch breaks
Social and Emotional learning and support programs
Our return to school will have a strong focus on re-connecting our students, supporting their wellbeing and understanding of the transition back to school after a period in isolation at home.
It will be a celebration of the achievements of our community in embracing learning at home, and knowledge and awareness of the necessary hygiene and distancing operations at school to support us all remaining healthy.
We will continue to share the latest information via Compass.

Enrolments Prep 2021
If you have (or know of someone who has) a child commencing in Prep 2021 please contact the office to collect an information pack. Alternatively you can download the enrolment form which is available on our website https://www.brightonbeachps.vic.edu.au/enrolment and email it to Benita.Danckert@education.vic.gov.au School tours will recommence as soon as we are given the go ahead from the Victorian Chief Health Officer.
We love to highlight the talents and creative initiatives that our BBPS families are sharing. These serve to inspire us all … Sir Isaac Newton is often quoted as he acknowledge the inspiration for his discoveries “I have seen further because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.’ Check out some current BBPS giants…
Sky-diving video (Vaughans)
Tramp Olympics (Kents)
All About Jelly Fish ( Mary Vilantis)
Song about Mosquitoes (Fraser Mak)
Stay well as you enjoy some family time now that social distancing parameters have been relaxed.
We are certainly looking forward to welcoming back our Preps-2 and their families on Tuesday 26th May. We hope you enjoy your final week of home schooling by making it fun and memorable. Don’t listen to your older siblings if they are teasing you because you have to go back to school….