What a fantastic term 3 it has been, with numerous opportunities for connection and engagement across our community. Thank you to our teachers for their ongoing commitment to their students and to the many members of our parent community who have contributed this term. We value the strong sense of community at BBPS and look forward to this continuing as we move into the final term of this year!
In the final week of this term, our P-2 finish off their intensive swimming program, our Three Four Hub are off to Camp Oasis and some of our students have the opportunity to represent BBPS at the District Athletics. Just a reminder that our final assembly will be on Monday 11th of September with a 2.40 pm start time and we have a 2.30 pm finish on Friday 15th September as it’s the last day of term 3.

Term Three Chess Champions
Big congratulations to our chess champions for this term
First Place: Anastasia Diamantaras
Second Place: Dimitri Diamantaras
Third Place: Joshua Scott

Victorian State School Spectacular Update
The BBPS choir are in full swing with all day rehearsals today and tomorrow at John Cain Arena ready for their two big performances this Saturday. We wanted to thank all the parents for your time and support with this unique opportunity and to the wonderful teachers Ms Wicks, Mrs Coutts, Ms Gororo, Ms Bernau and Mr Crossland for all the time you have dedicated building up to the big day. We wish you all the very best of luck, enjoy every moment and we are so proud of your achievements and commitment!

3-6 Athletics Carnival
Our students had a ball last Tuesday, and were not deterred by a bit of rain we had towards the very end of the day. Big thanks to Josh Ancrum for all his hard work. Shout out to the Brighton Secondary students who helped to run the events – it was lovely to see some of our former students be a part of the day.

District Athletics
On Tuesday the 12th of September our keen BBPS athletes will make their way to the Duncan Mackinnon Reserve, Murrumbeena beginning at 9.30 am and finishing at 3.00 pm. We wish them all the very best of luck and know they will all do their very best!
BBPS Mathematics Olympiad
Last week our Year Six leaders Michael and Anton conducted the very prestigious BBPS Maths Olympiad. It was a nail biting finish between both Lachlan and Gah-Yun. Congratulations to you both, you had the audience on edge with your quick and automatic responses! The math mania has continued throughout the school, with students seeking out teachers at recess and lunch to share their solutions to some very challenging problems.
Archie and Michael have been very busy this week trying their best to solve challenging problems including optical illusions and this problem which involved matchsticks. Well done boys, we look forward to seeing more keen mathematicians in our offices next week.
P-2 Intensive Swimming
The program is up and running and everyone is enjoying their time at the pool learning new skills and learning how to be safe around the water. Thanks to our wonderful parent helpers, to the staff for making this such a fun experience and of course to all our families for being so organised during these busy last two weeks of the term. Well done to Mr A for facilitating such a great program once again.

Book character parade
Our BBPS Book Character parade is always a highlight of the week! Thanks to our wonderful Library Captains Sophia and Sebastian for hosting alongside Mr Willmott and Sophie. We loved the huge crowd of siblings, parents, grandparents and family members who also joined in the fun and the very creative costumes that were on display.

Father’s Day and Special persons breakfast
Well the brilliant PA has done it again. Last Friday was busy and our school was full of wonderful male role models who came along to enjoy a delicious breakfast, grab a coffee, catch up with friends and play some sport. We cannot thank our PA and parent volunteers enough for all that they do, to make these events so successful and memorable.
