It’s hard to believe we are already over half way through the term, and a timely reminder to slow down and pay attention to the little things in life before things go by too quickly – it is sharing stories of lost teeth, almost wins and losses in finals season, sleepless sleepovers and noticing the first signs of spring together (have you seen our cherry blossom out front?) that remind us to be present and foster authentic connections with our little people.
Book Week and Parade: Wednesday’s annual Book Week parade was another success! There were so many colourful outfits from Harry Potter to sports players, to Diary of a Wimpy Kid to Fancy Nancy! There was a variety of reading activities and fun activities throughout the day, including book-themed games and story time sessions. Our Year Six Library Captains Matylda and Harper worked so hard to create the itinerary for our parade, thanks to Mr Wilmott for supporting. We loved seeing the creativity and enthusiasm of our students on this exciting day! Thanks to all those families who joined us.

Bullying No Way Day: On Friday, 16th August, our school embraced Bullying No Way Day with a special Friendship Lunch. This event is designed to promote kindness and inclusivity within our school community. Students gathered to enjoy a shared lunch and participated in activities that highlighted the importance of standing up against bullying and supporting one another. Our wonderful grade 5 students led the session and colourful posters were created for display around the school.
Dreamer’s Football Match: Thank you again to our organising team for Dreamers Netball – a successful first year. Our school's football team will face off against Brighton Primary School in an exciting match this Saturday. Come and support our players as they show their skills on the field! See our Dreamer’s Football and Netball section of the newsletter. A special thanks again to all our sponsors, many of whom are BBPS families, we appreciate you.
Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival: Get ready for some athletic excitement! The Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival will take place on Tuesday 3rd September. Students will compete in various track and field events, showcasing their talents and sportsmanship. It's a great opportunity for students to engage in healthy competition and enjoy a day of outdoor fun. Years 4 to 6 have been practicing their athletic skills every Friday down at Whyte Street Reserve. We are very grateful to Josh Ancrum for his organisation. Please consent to the Compass Event and let Josh know if you can help, Aths Carnival requires lots of helpers for a fantastic day!
School Council Report: The latest School Council meeting celebrated several key initiatives and developments across our school:
NAPLAN results: 2024 results were shared, and our success celebrated across the four key areas of reading, spelling, writing and numeracy. In particular, ongoing growth in numeracy reflects our continued focus on Mathematics this year. BBPS have the majority of students achieving strong-exceeding results, affirming our ongoing focus on extending our students for high growth. Also heartening though, is our minimal to no students needing additional support – again, affirming the effective practices we have in place to scaffold and support our students. Balancing our academic focus ensures equity and success for all our students. Results continue to be shared with you all via the newsletter this term.
Buildings and Grounds: Well done to Bev and Shane, who have been working closely with the VSBA, confirming a hopeful start date for the internal classroom building works within the main building in the coming week. We will keep you informed via Compass as areas of the school are temporarily fenced off to ensure safety.
Marketing and Publicity: Our team is focussed on building our school’s profile within our wider community and showcasing the brilliant things we do. Follow us on Instagram! Also, please make sure that you have completed the latest Photographing and Filming Consent form via Compass Events.
Parent Association: Fundraising to date is approaching $30,000 – a fantastic achievement by all involved. Thank you! As previously shared, funds raised will go towards the update of PA resources (marquees etc); the long term project of resurfacing Exon Playground (quoting currently in process); and the purchase of junior school literacy resources (last year was decodable texts for Prep, this year we shift to Grade 1).
Stay Connected: It's not too late to have your say – we appreciate your feedback through the Parent Opinion Survey (Access details HERE) which closes August 31. Check your email on July 29 for further details, including the pin number.
Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Make sure you check our Important Dates section of the newsletter for Father’s Day celebration dates and other school events to come this term.
More dates to have on your radar:
Dreamers Football 24th August refer The Dreamers Netball and Football of our newsletter
Father’s Day celebration Monday Sept 2nd 8:45-9:15am Prep, Grade 1, Grade 2:
Grade 3/4/5 a special something will be coming home
Grade 6 all family members are invited to a special celebration, an opportunity to connect. This will take place outside of the Father’s Day celebration window, Wednesday 18th September, 3-3:45pm.
Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival Tuesday 3rd September
PA Meeting 6th September