We are mid-way through term and what a busy two weeks it has been since our last newsletter. We have a lot to celebrate!
Many thanks to Megan Craig and the BBPS staff for their outstanding leadership while Bev and I have been on leave. The high calibre of our team is reflected each day in their dedication and enthusiasm for our students.
It is with great excitement that we congratulate Maddi Rolfe (2R) and her partner Linus, who are expecting their first child in February. It is always exciting to have another BBPS baby join the clan and we look forward to sharing the journey with them both.
Congratulations again goes to our students and Sally Wickes for a wonderful Production last Wednesday. Comments after the show by our students such as “Can we do it again?” and the flood of wonderful feedback from our community are a true indication of the joy felt by all. Many thanks to those of you who have sent in kind words of appreciation to our teachers. USB orders can still be made via www.trybooking.com/CBDGJ
See below for some wonderful reflections from our students:
"My favourite part was dancing and also singing to, "Aint no mountain high enough" and "Spaceman". - Sonny, 2G
"I loved when I went on stage and had to perform in front of the whole school of parents". - Isabel, 1F
"One of my favourite parts was dressing up as a tiger in a onesie." - Boston 1F
My favourite part was going on stage and then sitting on the high-up seats at rehearsal. I also liked when we played Heads Down Thumbs Up backstage, and the teachers taught us their dance. When I was onstage, I was a bit shy and nervous but then it was fine!
Scarlett, Prep W
My favourite part of the show was when I was waving to my parents on the stage. I could remember all the dance moves to Summer Holiday. I liked colouring backstage after our song. When I went out on the stage, I felt happy!
Amy, Prep C
I was excited when I went out on stage because I got to sing our song and I didn’t forget any of it, I remembered the whole thing! My favourite part was going on stage and being backstage. I was next to my friends Mia and Sia, I was in the front line. It was fun!
Ashton, Prep S
This week our Preppies celebrated a milestone 100 Days at School – a day filled with fun activities focused on 100, we were reminded of the amazing growth of our students since starting school this year.

And at the other end of the school Grade 6 Leaders have again actively been implementing their school action projects and have shown outstanding initiative. Well done to our Community Captains who this week hosted the first ever ‘Bayside Exchange’ – Hampton PS captains spent the day at BBPS discovering what learning looks like and sharing leadership ideas.
Special thanks to Peter and Harvey who this week shared their expertise with teachers as we engaged in professional development linked to STEAM. With our STEAM room now set up in the CLC, teachers will be utilising this space for weekly student sessions. Well done to our STEAM Captains Matthew, Euan and Tiger for their organisation of the learning space. Thanks from Gia and Mitch following their Environmental Sustainability clothes drive – many thanks to Marnie Lewis for her support of this initiative.
If you know of any further community initiatives or opportunities that we might be able to be involved in, please contact Kim Ancrum. We are always on the look out for ways that we can make authentic links to social activism for our leaders.
Enrolments 2023: Its hard to believe it, but its that time of year again where the school begins to plan for 2023. If your child will be starting prep next year, please contact the office to complete the appropriate enrolment forms as soon as possible. Our Prep 2023 Readiness Night is being held in the CLC on Wednesday, September 7th.
Students leaving the school
If for any reason your child/children are not returning to BBPS can you please let us know. Thank you for this information.
Other events to have on your radar:
4-6 Athletics Training begins tomorrow – Grade 6 House Captains will be setting up with Mr Ancrum before school. The Athletics Carnival is August 30, Grade 3-6. More on this to come. Big thanks to Josh, who has again been successfully granted the Sporting Schools Grant and has used it this term to hire Athletics coaches from the Melbourne Institute of Sport to run sport clinics over the next three weeks during PE lessons.
Junior Sports Carnival – Well done to our Wilson Captains who have organised this great event for P-2, next Wednesday 10th August. Students are encouraged to wear their sports uniform.
Parent Association meets next Friday, 12th August at 2:30pm
Dad's Footy team jumper presentation will be taking place on Friday, August 12th at 4:00pm on school grounds. All are welcome to join in the fun - a great community event and opportunity to connect with each other.
Community Cup, August 20 at 1pm – as previously shared in our newsletter, be sure to join the community as we play Brighton Primary in our annual Dad’s Footy match. We are thrilled to have this up and running again, and thank the organising team for their efforts.
Junior School Parent Helper information session – with parent helpers back up and running in the junior school, its timely to have this annual session unpacking how you can support learning within the classroom. Literacy consultant Julie Shepherd will be facilitating the session at 2:30pm on Monday, 22nd August. All P-2 parents welcome (not just parent helpers!).
Book Parade, August 24th