Yay! We can't wait until Monday we are so looking forward to welcoming everybody back.
Such good news and a credit to all Victorians.
We had the pleasure of attending the Australian College of Educational Leaders Conference over the holidays, and were inspired by the level of rethinking that is currently taking place in the education sphere as a result of our experiences in 2020. The overwhelming message was to capture what we have learnt about learning, and take the opportunity to embrace the possibilities that have been revealed – the future belongs to our kids and we owe it to our next generation of leaders.
And so, as we welcome your children back next week, we also honour all of the learning that they have been doing this year, regardless of the setting or the format, and the role that you have played in partnership with us - it will always be about what is best for our kids.
Return to School
Updated Parent Guidelines will be shared via Compass tomorrow. These will explain, in detail, our response at BBPS to the details outlined in the DET guidelines, as summarised below.
Teachers will be spending next week re-establishing their face to face learning communities. Adjusting back into our COVID safe physical spaces, capturing student progress and identifying those areas that may need additional consolidation and those areas that can be extended. It will be a celebration, and an opportunity to debrief and support wellbeing and naturally listen to and acknowledge mixed feelings, experiences along with the hopes and the dreams of our little people.
COVIDSafe behaviours
Key actions for schools
Metropolitan Melbourne (Second Step)
Temperature checks NO
Face masks YES (Adults)
Create COVIDSafe spaces
Key actions for schools
Metropolitan Melbourne (Second Step)
Enhanced environmental cleaning YES
Enhanced hand hygiene facilities YES
Enhanced ventilation YES
*includes ongoing throughout the day cleaning of high touch points

Promote COVIDSafe activities
Key actions for schools
Metropolitan Melbourne (Second Step)
School tours NO
Excursions NO
Community pool use (outdoor pool only) YES
Incursions NO
School photos NO
Camps and overnight stays NO
Assemblies (whole school) NO
Assemblies (year level) NO
Graduation ceremonies NO
Kinder transition program (Small group) NO
Year 7 transition programs NO
Non-contact sports (indoors) NO
Contact sports (indoors) NO
Contact sports (outdoors) NO
Non-contact sports (outdoors) YES
Interschool sports (Outdoor only) NO
Intraschool sports NO
Other interschool activity (such as debating) NO
Singing, brass and woodwind classes and groups NO
Professional development (face to face) NO

Be assured that our teachers are working their creative genius to come up with alternative ideas for activities planned for term 4 to in some way compensate for those we are unable to do. On behalf of our entire community we would like to thank all of our staff for their continued agility, resilience, grace and perseverance for the entirety of Learning from Home. Our team at BBPS has been nothing short of AUDACIOUS!