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What a fun week

Our learning program at BBPS is centred on student engagement – if students are inspired and motivated, they are more likely to grapple with concepts, take risks and ask questions – resulting in deeper learning.

Over the past two weeks, students have had numerous opportunities to challenge themselves in engaging ways. Check out the BBPS Life section of the newsletter for more, and see our student reflections below:

Bayside Upstanders Exhibition is now closed – thanks to those families who took an interest and found the time to go and view our art works

This year’s grade 5s are currently in the process of applying for Upstander or Waste Warrior roles so that they can begin their 2023 project in term 2.

Chalk Fest, Sandringham was a huge success, with a team of BBPS students creating a wonderful art installation alongside neighbouring community groups. Thanks to Georgie Hellier and Anoushka Prockiw for supporting them!

Reflections from Dan and Lia, Rhys and Rosie, Sophia, Sebastian and Ethan:

We all had the same idea and was really fun to do the design – we did beach boxes to reflect our school logo. The other schools did a great job, there were some great designs to look at. The hardest part was working with the different materials and making sure everyone was working towards the same goal. We were super proud with the end product, it looked really good.

The Recycle Regatta was a sensational weekend event, with many BBPS families coming to support our teams – competing both through local community groups such as Scouts and as a BBPS Team. Thanks to the many parents who supported these teams, along with Ms Beales.

Reflections from …

‘The Bananas in Pyjamas’ Xavi, Yiannis, Harry, Phoebe, Jett: We started building two weeks before the race and built the base using milk bottles and tape, we went dumpster diving for materials, and worked on it at Phoebe’s house after school and on the weekend. We are really proud that we received the ‘People’s Choice Award’ for our efforts.

‘The Icebergs’ Morgan, Finn, Anton, Sebastian, Cameron: The highlight was that our boat didn’t sink, and we came fourth overall. It was really fun building and painting the boat. Next time we’d change our design so the front of the boat was narrower, our boat was a little bit too heavy so we’d use more cardboard, and work on our rowing together. Our boat definitely had the best survival and we would do it again for sure.

Congratulations to Bella, who represented our school at the Division Swimming Carnival: "I came third in my 50m breast stroke race. It was nerve racking, and I wasn’t used to the diving block but I felt proud at the end."

Congratulations again to our Grade 6 leaders and Student Representative Council, who were presented with their badges at assembly. Our Grade 6s will be attending the Halogen Leadership Conference next week as an opportunity to further build their understanding of leadership in preparation for their action projects in term 2. Our SRC are already actively building school pride and a sense of community and belonging – leading students to engage in a range of Harmony Day activities in class time this week.

Other BBPS News

Illness: Our teachers have been plagued with some nasty illness this past few weeks, as have our students. Please keep your children home if they are unwell, rest is the best form of recovery. When a class teacher is absent, we do our best to ensure that continuity of learning is maintained for the students. This may occur in a number of ways, depending on the a range of circumstances, including:

  • Casual Teacher Replacement – we are fortunate to have a pool of regular, outstanding teachers that work at BBPS on a casual basis. Class teachers provide a daily plan for a CRT to follow.

  • Combining classes : The smaller classes at BBPS, enable us sometimes to put classes together so that the students are able to work with a familiar teacher and continue the planned program for the day.

  • For consecutive days, where possible, we will try and organise a consistent replacement for the class. Some times, this is just not possible.

Whichever the strategy, we thank you for your understanding and acknowledgement that there will have been much thought and organisation behind the scenes to ensure your child has a successful day at school.

If your child’s teacher is away, and you need to pass on any important information, please either email the Admin Office who will pass on information to the replacement teacher, or feel free to speak to any member from the year level teaching team.

School Council 2023 will now meet on Monday, 27th March for the first time. Thank you and welcome to the 2023 members:

Continuing from 2022 – David Capps, Emma Liley, Sharon Andrew, Marnie Lewis, Helen Tiver

Joining us in 2023 – Merline McGregor, Emily Ratnagobal and Simon Birch.

We thank Violetta Wuiske and Candice McGowan for their time as members.

Teacher representation – Bev May, Megan Craig, Will Crossland, Amy Chisholm

Coming up in our final two weeks of term …

Tonight – The Resilience Project presentation

Tuesday, 28th March 5:30-6:30pm: Prep 2024 Information Night

Thursday, 30th March End of term Sausage Sizzle

Week 10 – Grade 5 Camp to Phillip Island

Monday, 3rd April – P-2 Reading Parent Session in the staffroom with Julie Shepherd 3pm.

This session is to support all parents with reading at home, and is particularly important for parents planning to support literacy sessions in the classroom - usually beginning term 2, if not before.

Thursday, 6th April – 10am Easter Raffle and early finish, end of term – 2:30pm.


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