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Having fun whilst Learning

The Bayside Peninsula Principal Conference for our region was held last week. The overarching theme focussed on developing student agency in learning – at B

BPS learner agency begins from day one at school, with a focus on scaffolding students to be self-responsible learners. Children learn with and from each other. They have been proficient learners since birth. Teachers find

out where they are at and become facilitators of 'next step' learning. Within a learning community, students are taught the skills to make informed choices based on their individual learning goals. Classrooms are busy ecosystems – with students working at their own pace, in their own way. Some of the ways teachers build learner agency are:

  • Establishing independent routines to begin the day

  • Students having individual responsibilities / roles within the classroom

  • Providing students with choice in learning task options and how they present their learning

  • Teaching the language of problem solving so that students are able to unpack challenges

  • Focusing on growth mindset – having a go, and making mistakes to learn

  • Small group workshops to teach at point of need

  • Supporting students to lead students in areas of interest, e.g. through lunch clubs.

Schools are systems of learning – and as Adam Voigt described, our role as the adult in this relationship is to “tilt the earth for our kids and let trust come from enactment”.

Our focus at BBPS remains, how are we empowering our students to understand themselves, their individual disposition and the dispositions of others?

BBPS School Success at the swimming carnival

Congratulations to all out District swimmers. A fantastic result, with BBPS coming 3rd overall and winning the Aggregate shield. Good luck to our swimmers competing in the Division Swimming Carnival.

Running Club is up and …. running! Big thanks to our teachers who are giving their time to be available to support this well-loved healthy morning exercise initiative. Thanks to all family helpers, and well done to our children who are showing outstanding sportsmanship and encouragement of one another.

Grade 3 and 5 NAPLAN begins next week – we wish our students every success, with a strong reminder that all we ask is that students try their best – it is one test, on one day. Please read the information shared by our teaching teams around how to best support your child to feel confident and at ease going into the testing period.

Upcoming dates for the diary – whole school and parent information sessions:

Week 8

Monday, March 20 @ 2:45pm: Leadership Badges Presentation for all grade 6 leaders and SRC representatives in Grades 2-5. Parents of students receiving a badge are most welcome.

Wednesday, 22nd March @ 6pm: School Council

Thursday, 23rd March @ 6:30pm – The Resilience Project parent presentation – see Wellbeing section of newsletter for registration details

Week 9

Tuesday, 28th March @ 5:30pm: Prep 2024 Information Night – this is a general information night sharing information to new and potential families about BBPS – please tell your friends!

Week 10

Monday, 3rd April @ 3:00pm – Early Literacy Parent Session with Julie Shepherd – a great oppo0rtunity for parents P-2 to come and ask any question and learn more about our literacy program.

Thursday, 6th April @ 10am: Easter Raffle – thanks to our Prep and Grade 1 parents who are busy organising this annual event.


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