Our past two weeks have been jam-packed and we have taken great joy in watching our students engage with all the learning opportunities at BBPS.
Book Parade: Well done to our captains Mary, Elliot and Will for their role in organising our Book Character Parade. Many thanks to Sophie Strang for her organisation and thanks to Jodie Gates for her outstanding MC-ing.

3-6 Athletics Carnival – Our students had a ball, and were not deterred by a bit of rain, especially our grade 3, 4 and 5s at their first Aths Carnival ever! Big thanks to Josh Ancrum for all his hard work. Shout out to the Brighton Secondary students who helped to run the events – it was lovely to see some of our former students be a part of the day. The winning team will be announced tomorrow and the District Aths teams will be confirmed by the end of the week. The top student in track and top 2 students in field events in grade 4-6 attend District Athletics, with students allowed to compete in a maximum of two events in total (and a relay). The District Athletics Carnival is on Tues 13th September - more details to come via Compass Events.

2022 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school. The DET Opinion Survey is an annual survey designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. We encourage all families to participate in this survey. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey closes on Friday 16th September. Results of this survey are shared via the school's annual report which is uploaded to our website.
Market Day - Year 5 and 6 students have been busy planning their stalls for Market Day. This will be held on Thursday 8th September. Prep to Year 4 students are invited to take part in Market Day by purchasing tickets from their Classroom Teacher on Thursday. Tickets will be sold for $1 each. Stalls include a photo booth, bracelet making, an obstacle course, origami, a soccer challenge and marble run. All money raised will be donated to the Cancer Council and Monash Children's Hospital.
Without the enthusiasm and efforts of our volunteer parents we would not be able to offer the many fantastic events that have taken place at BBPS this term. With relationships at the heart of what we do, our community is an integral part of who we are. We continue to be grateful that this year, the first in three years, we are finally able to reconnect and reintroduce so many wonderful opportunities for our students. With heartfelt thanks to:
*All those parents who generously gave time this week to help run our Athletics Carnival. Thank you, without you we would not have been able to do it.
*The Dreamers for putting their bodies on the line for BBPS. Special thanks again to coach Pat Malone and the organising team. And thanks to all our families who came and cheered them on!
*Jenny Ermogenis for organising our many BBQs and cake stalls – most recently at the Community Cup, with the help of volunteers Leah Gardner, Adem Majtara, Shane FitzGerald, Justin Warby, Lucas Welsh, Georgie and Daniel Morris, Marissa and Maddie Freer.
And thanks to Talo Perna and Terri-Anne Leske for helping Jenny to organise an end of term sausage sizzle for our students on Thursday 15th September (last Thursday of the term). To make your order (and save yourself making lunch!), our Try Booking link will be shared via compass next week and if you are able to help cook the sausages the Sign Up link will be shared next week.
*All our Parent Association members – Our next PA Meeting is Friday, 9th September at 9am in the Library.
*Grade 6 Graduation Fundraising team – and to all those families who supported recent fundraisers including plant-a-pots and lolly lucky jars.
*The Prep/Grade 1 Parent Rep team for facilitating this week’s Father’s Day Stall: special thanks also to their helpers on the day.

*Terri-Anne Leske and the Grade 4 Reps - tomorrow is shaping up to be an outstanding celebration of our dads, uncles, grandpas and special friends. Don’t forget to join us at 7.30am for brekky and some quality time with your child in our hall. All welcome. Don't forget to bring cash for games and hot drinks.
*Marnie Lewis and supporting junior school parents for organising our Exon Playground Working Bee, taking place Sunday 11th September 10am-12pm. Further information will be shared via Compass calling on all helpers with special skills.
*The many parent volunteers helping in junior classrooms each morning, and P-2 swimming for the next two weeks. Please make sure you have read the updated Volunteers Policy featured in the Policies section of the newsletter this week.
*All members of our School Council – who met last week and approved an additional student-free Professional Practice Day on Monday, 19th December. Each term, teachers are provided with one release day to support professional development and planning. In response to the state-wide CRT shortage, the DET has directed all schools to plan this day as student free. This approved date means that students will now complete their academic year on Friday, 16th December at 1:30pm. Teachers will finish on Tuesday, 20th December.
There is something for everyone to be involved in at BBPS, and we are grateful for all the support.