Congratulations Division Cross Country Runners: We are thrilled to celebrate the success of our runners, who demonstrated incredible perseverance and sportsmanship last week – with BBPS recognised with the Aggregate Shield. Congratulations to our District runners, who competed at the next competition level today.
Please see our Mobile Phone Policy for details around use at school. A friendly reminder that
All mobile phones are required to be turned off and kept in bags during the school day. In junior years, if a mobile phone is required, please communicate with the clss teacher who will ensure safe storage during the day.
Students must disable messenger on connected devices at school (iPads and smart watches). Should you need to contact your child, you are welcome to call the office during school hours.
Students are not permitted to use their camera feature on any device, without teacher permission.
All communication to your child during school hours should go through the Administration Office to support our students to maximise time on task during the school day.
Teacher Communication: Our teachers are always open and keen to discuss your child's progress with you. Please remember that before school is not an ideal time due to their duty of care responsibilities as students arrive from 8:45am. Instead, we invite you to arrange a meeting by contacting the office or your child’s teacher directly so that our teachers can provide you with their full attention. Rest assured, teachers will reach out if there are ever any concerns regarding your child. We value our ongoing partnership and appreciate the respect and kindness you show our teachers with each interaction. Please see our Communication Policy for further details.
Two Minute Zone Safety Reminder: To ensure the safety of all students, please adhere strictly to the two-minute parking zone rules outside the school. This helps maintain a smooth and secure pick-up and drop-off process:
* Students should only be getting into cars within the zoned arc on Windermere Crescent. If you are encouraging your child to walk down and find you in the line, this is a safety risk for not only your child, but moving vehicles in the line. Please determine an alternative pick up spot that is more suitable, we suggest naming one of our neighbouring streets.
* Students should be crossing the road at the two allocated crossings – please do not encourage your child to meet you in an area that requires them to cross Windermere Crescent at the peak of the two minute zone.
We hold our annual BBPS information night for prospective new famliies on Monday, 27th May. If you know your child is enrolling at BBPS for Prep 2025, please contact the office.

Next week is Reconciliation Week, a time to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements. Students will engage in various activities that promote understanding and respect between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians. Grade 2 and our artist in residence, Bayley, will be sharing learning our students at Monday's assembly, and students will participate in a Friendship Lunch
School Council met this week, discussing the following highlights:
* The school's Annual Report was endorsed, and will be shared with community in the coming weeks - this document details the highlights of our achievements for 2023, and plays particular focus to our commitment to inclusion at BBPS.
* Buildings and Grounds - dates for future working bees are currently being confirmed (watch this space), and works on our inclusive playground should be starting in the coming weeks (yay!).
* The School Council thanks our PA and Dreamers teams for an already successful year - some new sponsors for our Dreamers team this year were ratified, and we thank the numerous BBPS families who have committed - more on these to come via the Dreamers tab of the newsletter.
* Grade 3/4 camp was confirmed, and this year we will be asking for parent volunteers to support the supervision of such a big group of campers. Keep an eye out for Hub Compass posts.