What’s been happening at BBPS?
At BBPS we place the student at the centre of all our decisions – with a focus on authentic learning experiences that create passionate and self-responsible learners. We take great pride in being able to showcase the many student-led initiatives that have a positive impact across our school.
Big thanks to Amy Chisholm and the Cultural Captains for working in partnership with our local First Nations community so that we were able to experience a Smoking Ceremony at BBPS this week. See 'BBPS Life for more details.
A report from Isabella and Ava, our Cultural Captains:
This whole school event further supported the active work of our SRC (Student Representative Council), who have been integral in introducing our 6th R - Reconciliation to the school community. Thank you to Paloma Ellis-Vega for supporting these students.
Our P-2 Junior Athletics Carnival was enjoyed by all – congratulations to Camille, Ben and Angie as Wilson House Captains for their organisation of this event, and to our grade 6 leaders who facilitated the session. Many thanks to our families for your kind words of encouragement:
Thank you Grade 6 for all your efforts in organising and executing such a fantastic fun-filled sports carnival! Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Joshua and Maddy both thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities. It was Josh’s highlight of his year to date! He raved about it!!! Maddy loved all the races, and particularly the hula hoop challenge and the shot put.
What wonderful school memories you have created for the younger grades. You can all be VERY proud. Well done to all of you!
Thank you 🙏
Lana Scott
Well done to Grade 3, and thanks to Marnie Bignell (and Claire Paitaridis’ green thumb), for the generous donation of native plants to mark National Tree Planting Day. Tussock Grass and Gold Cover have been planted at the front of our school, along the fence.

Things to have on your radar:
Community Cup: We wish our Dreamers Football Team all the very best for the big game on Saturday. All families are invited to come to Crowther Oval for a 1pm kick off to cheer on our dads (and Mr Crossland). A special thank you to coach Pat Malone, with the support of many team members including Ben Melin, Davide Romagnino, Shane Fitzgerald, Anthony Lansdown and Ted Window for their efforts behind the scenes to make this event happen. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, and the contributions of our Parent Association (food and drink available at the grounds – all proceeds shared between BBPS and BPS!) we are thrilled that this event is back!
If you are able to donate an item to the cake stall, please either bring it to school tomorrow or to the grounds on Saturday.
Mums be aware, there is a kicking comp at half time and we are looking for you to be involved – please volunteer yourself when the call-out takes place at half time. Go BBPS!
Our Parent Helper session is on Monday, 22nd August 2:30pm in the Staffroom. This session will be facilitated by literacy consultant Julie Shepherd. We strongly encourage parents who are rostered on (or plan to) help in the classroom (mostly P-2, but all parents welcome) to attend.
Book Parade is next Wednesday - see Library section of the newsletter for details.
Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival is Tuesday August 30 (week 8) - this event requires lots of parent help so please put the event in your diary.
Father's Day Stall (Wednesday 31st August) and Breakfast (Friday 2nd September) are quickly approaching. See below

Prep Readiness Session 7 September 6:30pm in CLC: In this session we will support families by providing practical strategies to ease the transition from kinder to a primary setting. Details of our term 4 transition program will also be shared. If your child is joining us in 2023, please send in your enrolment forms as soon as possible.
Plant a Pot (with Grade 6): Support our Grade 6's: last chance to purchase a plant pot - all proceeds go to supporting our Grade 6 Graduation - orders close tonight!

Well done to Anna (2G)
During school holidays diving program, Anna received a letter from Diving Victoria Head Coach, inviting her to High Performance Assessment with a view of formal inclusion into Diving Squad and planning ultimately for the 2032 Olympic Games in Brisbane
She can dive from a 3M and a 5M platforms! She passed her diving test and is one 5 kids selected from 13 to go on to the next stage.

And in case you are wondering (or have heard confusing snippets from your children):
Bev continues to be on leave, and is recovering well. Many thanks for all your enquiries and well wishes. I have no doubt she will be reading this (despite being on leave!).
Our neighbour, Remy, had a fall outside our school last Friday. Thanks to our staff, he was well looked after and taken to hospital in an ambulance. He continues to be in hospital and is recovering well. The care and concern that our students showed was extremely heart-warming. His wife, Carmen, is extremely grateful.

Each term the school conducts an Emergency Evacuation Drill. Most recently we have been practising a ‘lockdown’ – an emergency when students are required to remain inside with doors locked. Our students did a sensational job in last week’s drill and are prepared for another ‘surprise’ drill to take place next week. Please be aware that in the case of a real emergency, once relevant authorities have been contacted and all our staff/students/visitors accounted for, our community will be notified via Compass and further instructions provided.