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Swim, swim, swim

Great job to our swimmers for completing the intensive swimming program and competing in our Grade 4-6 swimming carnival. Well done to Dendy House and our Parent Relay team, both winners on the day. Special thanks to Josh Ancrum and our many parent helpers. District Swimming will take place on Thursday 2nd March at MSAC – The student with the fastest time for each event will represent BBPS, competing in a maximum of two individual events. A Compass notice will go out to our competing team tomorrow.

Our Meet and Greet information nights were well attended last week – thank you for connecting with our 2023 team. As this was a new format to our term 1 information sessions, we would value your feedback by completing this 2 minute survey HERE. Our Curriculum Book, detailing our teaching and learning programs can be found HERE (Whole School Sharing hyperlink). This too has been reviewed, with two booklets now available to you – a Prep Booklet; and a Grade 1-6 Booklet.

We look forward to seeing you all at our Welcome BBQ tomorrow, 4:30-7:30pm. We still need a couple of helpers on the BBQ – SIGN UP LINK

Thanks to our PA for organising this delicious food option for the night.

Our Parent Association will meet again next Friday, 3rd March at 9am in the Library. We ask that all available Parent Representatives attend this meeting as we will be going through some important information regarding roles and responsibilities and duty of care. Thank you for volunteering to be a part of this great team, the allocated roles for 2023 based on our first PA meeting earlier this term are listed below. We welcome all volunteers, regardless of whether you have a formal role, please feel free to join the team at any point:

President- Marnie Lewis

Secretary- Rachel O’Donnell

Treasurer- Iluka Davidson

Administration- Merline McGregor

Events Coordinator- Terri-Anne Leske and Talo Perna

Class Rep Coordinator- Jenny Ermogenis

New Family Convenor- Leah Gardner

Marketing- TBC

2nd hand uniform- Simmone Goldin/Leah Gardner

Lost Property- Leah Gardner/Simmone Goldin

Prep- Georgie Jackson. Nadia Hobart. Carly & Tash

Grade 1- Alex. Rachelle

Grade 2- Katie. Nicole. Carla. Elizabeth

Grade 3- Angie. Rachel. Terri-Anne. Lucy Schneider

Grade 4- Jenny. Bec Arcuri. Brooke Irwin

Grade 5- Gabby. Sarah. Terri-Anne. Dani Massimiani

Grade 6- Georgie. Madeleine.

School Photo Day – due to high levels of absence on photo day, our make up session will take place in the afternoon of Thursday, 2nd March.

School Council nominations close next Friday – we still have a couple of vacancies. If you are interested in knowing more, please seek out Bev or Kim or our current School Council President David Capps to learn more. Nomination forms are available at the front office.

Student Representative Council nominations have been completed in Grades 2-5 this week. Each class has two representatives, who meet regularly throughout the year and have an active role in promoting our values and commitment to practicing Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. Our leadership team, including our grade 6 leaders, will feature in our next newsletter. SRC and Grade 6 leaders will be presented with their badges at assembly on Monday, 20th March. Put this date in your diary!

Our assemblies take place every second Monday at 2:45pm on Exon Playground when weather permits. If your child is presenting, performing, or featured in the assembly you are more than welcome to attend.

Good luck to our Grade 5/6 teams who compete in their first round – a double header – in tomorrow’s interschool sports against our network schools. Please make sure you have consented to the Compass Event.


Cricket –Dendy park, Brighton East.

Basketball- Black Rock PS

Teeball – Tulip St, Sandringham

Oztag – Hurlingham Park 2, Nepean H/way, Brighton East

Volleyball – Beaumaris PS

A big thank you for your continued vigilance with recommended COVIDsafe practices in response to the recent rise in confirmed cases in our community. Through your open communication and care, the number of new active cases across our community this week has been minimal.

We continue to share the latest COVID-19 recommendations for Victorian Government schools as set out by the Department of Health and Services. We support all families to consider these recommendations and make decisions that best suit your own personal circumstances.

The current advice for mask wearing is that staff and students who wish to wear a face mask should be supported to do so, and schools should continue to make face masks available for staff, students and visitors. The Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who is a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 when leaving home.

A number of our families are choosing for their child to wear a mask to school as a precaution. Please be aware that staff cannot, and will not, insist children wear a mask. We will continue, however, to ensure they are available within the classroom community.

The Chicken Coop has Arrived


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