Welcome back everyone, it’s been a great start to what is shaping up to be a jam packed term. We have so much to look forward to and by looking out for each other we have so much to be grateful for as everyone stays COVID safe. Term 1 always sets the scene for what is to come and we thank the following people who have kindly accepted positions on School Council. We are very much looking forward to some face to face meetings this year, as well as the flexibility of a hybrid model accommodating our travelling parents with the option of ZOOM.
2021 BBPS School Council
President : David Capps
Treasurer: Sharon Andrew
Finance Committee: Emma Liley, Sharon Andrew, Helen Tiver, Megan Craig, Bev May
Marketing and Publication Committee: Candice McGowan, Talo Perna (PA), Benita Danckert, Naomi Beales, Ryan Bolger, Kim Ancrum, Bev May
Education and Policy Committee: Kim Ancrum and Violetta Wuiske
Buildings and Grounds: David Capps, Marnie Lewis-Downing, Basil Tambanis Helen Tiver, Ryan Bolger, Bev May
What are we learning this term?
Classes spent this week getting back into school routines, reconnecting with friends and began to explore and unpack this term’s curriculum focus areas. Across the school students will be exploring:

Literacy – Reading Groups and Book Clubs will begin this term, if they haven’t already, providing an opportunity for students to engage in small group instruction suited to their reading level.
Keep an eye out for news of our Annual BBPS Spelling Bee, to take place end of term. Steffi Paulin Year 6 is our current spelling champion.

Parents Helpers are being welcomed back into classrooms
On Monday, May 3rd 9-10am, Literacy Consultant Julie Shepherd will be running a parent helper session at BBPS. This session will focus on providing practical tips for how you might support students at home, and at school. This session will again be facilitated on Friday, 14th May 9-10am. Please sign up to your nominated session by completing the GOOGLE FORM. All parents wishing to volunteer in classrooms are asked to complete one of our sessions. This Parent Helper session is designed for parents in P-2.
Numeracy – Following on from last term’s exploration of place value, students will be building their knowledge and understanding of addition and subtraction, differentiated across the year levels. Keep an eye out on Compass for Level Team updates of what this looks like for your child.
Staffing: Welcome back to Mrs Kylie White into Year 5. Shanti Treloar is currently in a part time position and as our Maths Learning Specialist, will be implementing a Maths extension program, working closely with classroom teachers to meet the needs of all students. More on this to come.
Science – All grades have an inquiry focus linked to Science this term. See the calendar for the numerous opportunities to share in our learning in this area throughout the term. Check out the Year 2 classroom windows for their take on caring for our natural environment.
BBPS Tennis Champion
Congratulations to Belis Gulener who this week competed in the Division Tennis Competition. Belis progresses to the next round after winning 4/5 matches. An outstanding effort and we wish you well at the School Sport Victoria South Metro Tennis tournament in May.
Congratulations must also go to Aaron Kwok, who will be celebrated tomorrow at the offices of Federal MP Tim Wilson for his nomination as a finalist in the ANZAC Poem Competition. We look forward to Aaron sharing his poem ‘For the Fallen’ with the school at Monday’s ANZAC assembly.
For The Fallen
Where red poppies sway day and night,
Rest brave heroes of great might,
Climbing ravines through the dark nights
Shedding their blood and losing their lives.
Lest we forget.
They were heroes in body and name,
The Anzacs were heroic and brave.
Young most were, and young they stay
For the battle of Gallipoli ended their days.
Though they have passed,
Their memories live on,
And they will live on, and on and on,
The brothers that left,
Sons gone to war,
Dead husbands and fathers
Leaves my heart raw.
Lest we forget.
Sacrifices were made by those men,
We will always remember them.
In Gallipoli where red poppies blow,
Uncountable crosses stand,row upon row
Marking the place of courageously fallen.
And still poppies grow, releasing pollen.
Though their lives have come to an end
We remember them as great hearted friends.
And Lest we forget,
We live in freedom because of these men.
Written By: Aaron Kwok

Thank you to our Grade 6 leaders (pictured) who tomorrow attend the Hampton RSL Anzac Day Ceremony, representing BBPS. Instead of a wreath this year, our school will be donating a series of ANZAC Day themed books to the ceremony, which will be gifted to local schools.

COVID Safe operations – Minor changes to start and finish times as of next week.
Like all changes to operations at BBPS we continue to make adjustments in stages as we respond to the latest DET and DHHS guidelines.
Staggered Starts – arrival between 8:45-9:00, irrespective of alphabet: As of next Monday, 26th April student arrival time will be from 8:45-9:00, with all families asked to continue to stagger arrival based on the routine that best suits each family (many families are already doing this, with a steady flow of arrivals from 8:45am). This is irrespective of alphabet and we thank you in advance for following social distancing requirements. Students are asked to enter their classrooms on arrival, with no before school play.
Staggered Ends no longer apply, 3:30pm dismissal for all: The end of the day will conclude at 3:30pm for all students, with families asked to arrive for pick up as close to 3:30pm as possible, and to of course, socially distance. End of day pick up will still require pick up only (no play), in line with Victorian requirements for sign in procedures for any person onsite longer than fifteen minutes. Our main goal has always been to welcome parents into the playground, keeping visiting time to a minimum (i.e. within fifteen minutes) to avoid the need for visitors to sign in. We thank you for continuing to follow this procedure.
No parents in the building to continue: to comply with density limits, we continue with parents accessing the building via the front office. Staff and students only into classroom buildings. Parents may enter the building for pre-organised meetings, or as pre-arranged by a staff member. This applies to the re-introduction of classroom helpers.
Term 2 PA Meetings
Our big events for this term are of course Mother’s Day (Stall and Luncheon) and our bi-annual Walk-a-thon. Many thanks to the organising team behind these events. Please check our newsletter for updates.
This term’s PA meetings will be held on:
Tues 4 May at 2:30pm – (original date was May 7 – the day of the Mother’s Day lunch)
Friday 4 June at 9:15-10:15am
Both meetings will take place in the Kitchen Garden. Please sign in at the Admin Office first.
Term 2 Religious Education.
Please see attached information and forms should you like to access the provision of religious instruction for your child/children.
If you require further information please contact the office.
Monday’s Anzac Day Assembly (26th April) will be led by our Grade 4 students. Zoom link will be shared Monday for those wanting to join us virtually, 2:45pm.
Tuesday 27th April – Grade 3-6 Cross Country – Please see Compass Event consent form and this week’s newsletter for details. We wish all our runners the very best!
Week 3, Monday 3rd May – SRC Badge Presentation on Exon – all parents of SRC representatives welcome to attend. Please sign in using the QR code available on arrival.