Human ingenuity - Needing to stay home on doctor's orders, Harry (far left) with broken arm joins his classmates for a story – for book week!
As we settle back into the routines of school, we continue to be excited and blown away by the connections and learning that has taken place this year.
When speaking to our students about what they missed most, the overwhelming consensus is their friends and teachers, highlighting again the power of connection and genuine relationships. Congratulations to our students for re-settling into daily life at BBPS this past two weeks and to all our parents who have fostered their resilience.

Upstanders 2020: The Grade 5 team are up and away, participating this week in our first ever network webinar, where the students had an opportunity to connect with our network schools (Beaumaris, Sandringham, Sandringham East) and to listen to words of encouragement from James Newbury
MP. Students also learnt about this year’s challenge: To create an activity suite that teaches their peers about taking positive action online. Many thanks to Jhana and Jaime (Grade 6) for their contributions and reflections from their 2019 Upstanders experience – presenting in front of over 80 people online is no mean feat! In Week 7, all students will engage in daily webinars and activities as presented by each school. Congratulations to the whole team, led by Megan Craig, for persisting with this project in 2020.

COVIDSafe Behaviours: Play Dates
In the excitement of re-connecting we have noticed a number of our students (particularly in the senior years) taking it upon themselves to organise play dates after school. Please help us to remind your children that these need to be pre-organised through parents/guardians (not in school time and between themselves) to ensure that we can ensure the safety of individuals after school.
Further to this, we remind you that in supporting your children to connect and play, that such events outside of school hours are in keeping with the current DHHS Restrictions (as of October 18). Students are enjoying the opportunity to play all together when at school, the recess and lunch times remain staggered with Yrs 3-6 out first followed by our P-2. Outside of school hours, social gatherings are as follows:
You can see family and friends for any period of time outdoors. Face masks must of course be worn for those 12 years old and over.
A group of up to 10 people may meet outdoors in a public place to socialise. These 10 people must be from a maximum of two households only (under 12 months not included in count).
Currently (and until November 1) we continue to not be able to have visitors to our home.
ChildSafe Visitor Reminders: Please remember to come directly to the Administration Office should you need to come onto school grounds outside of drop off and pick up times. Many thanks for your vigilance with this.
Events and Dates
Public Holiday tomorrow (23rd October) – no school!
Monday Assembly (26th October) – SRC badges presented Grade 2-5. Parents of SRC representatives welcome to attend.
Halloween Disco (Friday, 30th October @ 6pm) – see newsletter for details. And please send in spoons so that classes can create our Spooky Spoonville on Friday.
Curriculum day (Monday, 2nd November)
Melbourne Cup public holiday (Tuesday, 3rd November)
School Photos 7th December
Learning with and from each other - Our Neighbours
As we continue to adjust to COVID 19 it is very easy to lose sight of what is most important. Sean Brosnan reminds us of a Maori Proverb '...that is quite fitting for the current global crisis we find ourselves in.'
"He aha te mea nui o te ao...he Tangata, he Tangata, he Tangata"
Translation: What is the most important thing in the world...
It's the People, It's the People, It's the People