This Week @ BBPS
Prep Orientation: It has been wonderful meeting our Prep 2021 students and families this week face-to-face. Many thanks for the Prep team for creating a positive beginning for our students. The second and final orientation session will take place next week.
Grade 3 Camp: Many thanks to our Grade 3 teachers for supporting our students this week with another outstanding onsite camp – students went on an adventure to Whyte Street and celebrated with a scrumptious picnic lunch of hamburgers, then to the beach and engaged in a range of fun team building initiative games and another all time favourite yummy lunch of fish and chips. Meals that are typical of school camp. So without actually being able to attend Camp Oasis this year, with ingenuity and a lot of good spirit the teachers and students generated their own BBPS mini camp oasis.
Year 5 Student Leadership Interviews: Congratulations to our grade 5 students for completing their interviews for leadership positions next year. The panel, consisting of Mrs May, Ms Chisholm, Shanti Treloar, Oakley and Jaime (our current grade 6 school captains), were all extremely impressed with the calibre and deep reflections shared during the process. 2021 Captains will be announced in the final week of school.
Next Week @ BBPS
Monday is school photos!!!
Sibling Photos: Parents remind your child/ren to have their sibling photo taken. This is important this year as cutoff is 8.00am on photography day, Monday 7th December and we would hate for families to miss out.
Monday’s 2:45pm Assembly will feature a class share from Prep- all Prep parents are invited to Zoom in, Link will be shared via Compass on Monday.
Production – Wednesday night, 7pm
Many thanks to Sally Wickes and the team for all the hard work that has gone into getting our production viewing-ready.
After investigating a number of live streaming options, it has been decided that our best option will be to share a link to our video via Compass – this link will be released at 6:30pm, and we encourage all families to enjoy the event from your living room.
Links and details to be shared next week.
Orientation – New students
New students joining our school are invited to come on Friday, 11th for a morning session – a great chance to meet their new cohort for 2021.
2020 Staffing Farewells
It is at this time of the year that we have some farewells and acknowledgements to make as we accommodate and celebrate the natural changes that occur to staffing. BBPS would like to sincerely thank the following teachers as they move on to new schools in new roles for 2021. All have a special place in our hearts for their magnificent contributions to the BBPS community. Meg Read, Paul Thompson, Nick Duckett and Sarah McGaw (who was on loan from her current school while Kylie White has been on Family Leave) They have left an indelible mark as they have forged genuine relationships with the students, families and as members of the dedicated teaching team here at BBPS. We wish them well in their endeavours at their new schools for 2021.