An update based on our latest DET Operations Guide:
As we approach the end of the year, the health and safety of students, staff and families continues to be our priority at all times. The Department of Education and Training and The Department of Health, and not the school as a single entity, continue to make decisions regarding the processes required for COVID Safety. The latest guidelines has confirmed future processes at a school level in regards to visitors:
All adult visitors to school need to show evidence of vaccination when entering a school building. This includes as a parent helper, for the purpose of activities such as school tours, or transition.
Parents, carers or other adult visitors attending a gathering or event at school, such as a fete, school play, class exhibition, assembly or graduation ceremony, whether indoors or outdoors, need to show evidence of vaccination on arrival.
Visitors do not need to show proof of vaccination when entering the school grounds for drop off or pick up.
We thank you for your vigilance in following this process.
iPad Device Return: If you borrowed a school iPad over the remote learning period, please return this to the office by the end of next week.
This Week @ BBPS
Prep Orientation: It has been wonderful meeting our Prep 2022 students and families this past two weeks. Many thanks for the Prep Team for creating a positive beginning for our students. The third and final orientation sessions will take place over the next two weeks.
Year 5 Student Leadership Interviews: Congratulations to our grade 5 students for completing their interviews for leadership positions next year. The panel, consisting of Mrs May/Mrs Ancrum, Jodie Gates, Hamish and Chloe (our current School Captains), were all extremely impressed with the calibre and deep reflections shared during the process. 2022 Captains will be announced in the final week of school.
Excursions: While excursions are permitted, we congratulate our teaching teams for making decisions about appropriate excursion locations that minimise risk of exposure for our students.
Today, Grade 3/4 had a private movie viewing at Dendy Cinema and enjoyed a lunch together as the 3/4 Hub.
Tomorrow our Preps head to the zoo - their first excursion together!
Many thanks to all our parent helpers who have given their time to support these opportunities - how nice we can do them again!
Next Week @ BBPS
Grade 6 Camp Week: Big thanks must go to Kirsten Braun and Naomi Beales, who have responded to the changing restrictions time and time again, focused on providing an engaging and fun alternative to camp. This week they head to Bounce, Waves, Bowling and Laser-Tag. Wow!
Grade 2 Camp Dinner: In lieu of the annual sleepover, this week our Grade 2s are invited to return to school (5-7pm) for a play-date with their peers.
Orientation – New students
New students joining our school are invited to come on Friday, 10th for a morning session – a great chance to meet their new cohort for 2022.
Final Week of term 4 - Can you believe it?
Monday, 13th December: We celebrate our Grade 6 class of 2021 with our annual staff and student lunch (many thanks to the parent organising committee for their efforts this year) and we are thrilled to confirm that our Graduation Ceremony will be held in our school hall. Guests are limited to 2 per family, and visitors will be required to wear masks and show proof of vaccination on arrival.
Tuesday, 14th December:
Prep 2022 Meet the Teacher transition session 9:15-10:15am.

Whole School incursion - STOMP and WALA
Grade 5/6 Wacky Races - parents are invited to join the fun at 2:30pm. Please be aware that visitors will need to show proof of vaccination on arrival to a BBPS staff member.
Wednesday, 15th December:
Class Party Day - teachers will communicate details with families via Compass
Grade 6 Excursion to Tree Top Adventures
Thursday, 16th December:
Last day of school for students - day finishes at normal time of 3:30pm.
Friday, 17th December: Curriculum Day
No students - TheirCare will be running a full day holiday program for those who need it.
All staff will be involved in whole school professional learning for the day - focused on a BBPS COVID Recovery Response - Leading reflections for enabling a sense of renewal, resilience and growth. This will commence the process for planning for the diverse needs of all our students for 2022.